Effortlessly Integrating LANCache with AdGuard Home: My Personal Tech Journey

The challenge of merging LANCache’s caching capabilities with AdGuard Home’s DNS filtering led me to develop a seamless solution that I’m excited to share with you. Hosted on GitHub at AdGuardHome-LANCache-DNS, this project embodies my commitment to enhancing network management. Here’s how you can set it up in your local network without any hassle.

Setting Up in Your Local Network

Effortlessly integrate this solution into your network by following these detailed steps. This setup ensures seamless automated DNS rewrites, enhancing your network’s efficiency without manual intervention.


  • Docker: Ensure Docker is installed on any system within your local network that will run the container.
  • AdGuard Home: Must be actively running on your network to manage DNS filtering and rewrites.

Running the Docker Container:

Deploy the Docker container with the command below. Adjust the environment variable values to fit your specific AdGuard Home and LANCache server settings:

docker run -d \
--name adguard-lancache-dns \
-e ADGUARD_USERNAME='your_adguard_username' \
-e ADGUARD_PASSWORD='your_adguard_password' \
-e LANCACHE_SERVER='your_lancache_server_ip' \
-e ADGUARD_API='your_adguard_api_url' \
-e ALL_SERVICES=true \ # or -e SERVICE_NAMES='service1,service2' 

Detailed Environment Variables:

Configuring your Docker container correctly requires setting specific environment variables. Here’s a comprehensive table of these variables and their functions:

<tr>ADGUARD_APIURL to your AdGuard Home API endpoint.


ADGUARD_USERNAMEUsername for your AdGuard Home admin interface.
ADGUARD_PASSWORDPassword for your AdGuard Home admin interface.
IP address of your LANCache server.
ALL_SERVICESSet to true to update all services; otherwise, leave unset.
SERVICE_NAMESSpecific service names to update, separated by commas. Use if ALL_SERVICES is not set to true.

Please replace your_adguard_username, your_adguard_password, your_lancache_server_ip, your_adguard_api_url, and service names with the actual values for your setup. This setup not only pulls the latest Docker image from the project but also ensures that your DNS rewrites in AdGuard Home are automatically managed as required.

A Personal Endeavor with Community Spirit

Having implemented this integration in my own setup, I’ve witnessed firsthand its capability to streamline and enhance network efficiency. It’s a testament to what we can achieve with a bit of ingenuity and a commitment to improvement.

Let’s Build Together

This project is a living entity, thriving on community feedback and contributions. Whether you’re a coder, a tinkerer, or someone with great ideas, I welcome your input through GitHub issues or pull requests. Let’s make this tool even better, together.

What’s Next?

I am dedicated to expanding the project’s reach, aiming to support a broader array of DNS servers and to offer even more sophisticated caching strategies. Your insights and contributions will be instrumental in shaping its future direction.

Dive In and Contribute

By integrating the AdGuardHome-LANCache-DNS solution, you’re not just optimizing your network; you’re joining a community focused on pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in network management. Ready to get started or to contribute to its development? The project awaits you on GitHub.

Wrapping Up

Sharing the AdGuardHome-LANCache-DNS project with you marks a milestone in my journey to create meaningful, impactful technology solutions. By adopting this integration, you’re stepping into a world of enhanced network management, where efficiency meets simplicity. Together, we can pave the way for more innovative and effective networking solutions.

For more insights and to stay updated, keep an eye on sq4ind.eu.

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